I was drawn to take a natural healing class, Reiki I and Beyond workshop taught by Rosemary the Celtic woman, even though I had my Reiki certificates already. After a couple hours, I lay on the massage table while a healer worked on me. Once the session was complete, I sat up in a daze, blinking because even the dim lights were too bright. The woman who worked on me furrowed her eyebrows and stammered. “I saw a dark spot in your stomach. You need to go to the doctor immediately because I think you have cancer.”
My legs dangled over the edge as I sat thinking about what she had just said. For some strange reason, I wasn't scared. I had this gut feeling. I replied, “I have a feeling it’s not cancer. But I’ll talk to the teacher during the break to see what it possibly could be.” Then we switched places, and I became her healer.
Later that morning, I approached Rosemary and told her what the woman had said. She didn’t answer right away. She looked as if she was listening to someone. maybe she was listening to one of her Archangels for guidance, a lesson she had taught us that morning. “Tina, have you ever had an abortion or a miscarriage?”
“No, I responded,” too quickly. Then a memory flashed into my head. “Wait a minute. I was in England as a chaperone with my students when I had a hefty menstrual cycle. I was scared that I would have to go to the hospital, but then it stopped. At the time, I wondered if I had a miscarriage, but Alan, my husband, was sure it was due to the long airplane ride.” Rosemary asked if it took me a long time to get pregnant again, and I told her 3 ½ years. I had even undergone exploratory surgery to see if something was wrong. Then we thought about adoption, but finally, I had a beautiful boy and, three years later, a gorgeous daughter.
I never knew how important it was to release & honor a fetus that chose to come 'in.'

Rosemary said, "It’s common to have fertility problems after a miscarriage or an abortion because our body still remembers the sadness of losing the child." I was told to do Reiki on myself to release the memory and honor the embryo for coming in for the little time it was there, and if I didn’t do this, it could turn into a benign or cancerous growth. I worked on myself a little bit, but obviously not enough.
Years later, I learned an excellent technique during my Constellation Healing session with Hazel Carter. I remember precisely what my goal was for that evening when she asked. "I feel stuck in writing my memoir."
"In what way do you feel stuck?" she asked in her beautiful Irish accent.
"I'm confused about the order of the stories, and I can't decide which ones to include."
She pursed her lips and asked if I had ever lost a child. And I nodded yes. She said, "Your body still has not fully released the sadness of losing a child. Tina, is there another child you lost?"
"In what way do you feel stuck?" she asked in her beautiful Irish accent.
"I'm confused about the order of the stories, and I can't decide which ones to include."
She pursed her lips and asked if I had ever lost a child. And I nodded yes. She said, "Your body still has not fully released the sadness of losing a child. Tina, is there another child you lost?"
"No, I don't think so." Then a memory of me getting a sonogram popped in, and a technician said, " Looks like you're going to have twins. I remember being so scared. I honestly didn't think Alan could handle two kids of the same age at once. And then the selfish Tina jumped in, 'I'd have to quit teaching theatre.' Those days I worried about everything. Like the first healer, Hazel shared that it was imperative that I release this memory from my body, or I could become very ill.

A technique to honor and release the loss of a fetus or embryo (husband should do also)
1. acknowledged that I had four children, not just two living ones
2. light a candle for 21 days, with my husband if possible
3. give a name to the embryo(s) Alan and I agreed upon Michael and Juliette)
4. thank the embryo for coming in (Do this technique separately if you lost a couple fetuses
5. apologize for not being ready to have children or frightened of having twins
6. thank the embryo for selecting you to come in, even though it wasn't for very long
7. I shared things about our family, the good and the bad
The first few times I did this, I cried like a baby. I was surprised that it seemed like energy was released from my body. Even Alan was a little choked-up. He only did the release with me for a few days, but that was okay because my body needed to let go of the memory.