113 A Perfect Technique To Do As A Family, In the Classroom, or by Yourself to Releases Negative Thoughts.


     Believe it or not, you are human (well, a few of us might be aliens); but everyone makes a few mistakes during our lifetime. We become angry at ourselves or others when a blunder is made, or we are either judging ourselves or others. But to stay present in our lives and be happy, we must release this negative energy as it will zap our concentration and affect our mental and physical health. As a Reiki Master, and Shaman Practitioner, I've seen and felt this negative energy in someone's body a plethora of times.
      Don't compare yourself to others. You are the only you, unique and special. Are you imperfect? Heck, yes. Who isn't? But I wonder if maybe we came into this world imperfect for a reason so that we could learn various lessons: to love our self, to forgive, to accept and honor where an individual is in their life, not to make judgments. Or maybe we are here to learn that the beauty inside ourselves is more important than the beauty outside. Or perhaps we have to learn to get in shape; it's necessary to have discipline. Or possibly we realize that the only way to move forward is to find a good therapist.   
     Some of you are probably thinking, Naw, I never judge myself. I never judge others, and I rarely get angry. (Okay, I'm trying not to giggle.)
     Let's try 'Muscle Testing' on those three statements separately. Hook your thumbs and forefingers together in a figure eight and say one of the above comments in italics. What happens? Do your fingers stay hooked together without you struggling to keep them hooked, or do they break away? Even if they slightly loosen, your body is telling you. Yup! You're lying to yourself.
     The strongest times to release negative thoughts are Christmas, New Year's Eve, Easter, and your birthday, Full Moon, or when there are particular moon phases. However, anytime is acceptable.
     Here's an exercise for you that I learned at a workshop. Don't be surprised if you shed a few tears; some of us did and when I taught it to my students, many cried also. In fact, a lot of my students taught their families the exercise, and a few parents let me know how it pulled the family together.

1. Obtain an 8 ½ X 11 sized paper.

2. Fold the paper in half, length-wise, and find a writing utensil. 
3. On the left side of the paper, write down all the negative things you don't like about yourself or wish you could do better. Include your anger and judgments about yourself and others, including the physical attributes and personality traits you don't like about yourself. No one will see this paper, so let all that anger, judgments, and frustration out. 
4  Then, on the right side, write the positive physical attributes, things you are good at doing, and positive personality traits about yourself.
5. Fold the paper along the line and rip or cut it in half. Place the right side in your wallet or in a safe place so that when you tumble down that dark rabbit hole, you can pull it out and remind yourself what a fabulous unique individual you are.
6. Find a metal empty trash can, or barbecue and some matches. BE SAFE. –  Only adults should be doing this, and children should be under their supervision – Don't do this insideMake sure you have two gallons of water nearby or your hose is on. If burning your paper is unavailable to you, rip the left half of the paper into tiny bits while saying the lines below or create something in your own words.
7. Say the following out loud or in your head: "Dear Father, Mother, I release all these negative feelings and judgments about myself and others to you. (Then read off your list. You can add more if something pops into your head.) It's time for me to let go of them. I have held onto these negative thoughts and judgments for  too  long." Then light the piece of paper and place it in the metal trash can or barbecue. You can say, 'thank you,' or 'it is done,' or 'Amen.'  

     Watch the paper burn or be aware of ripping the paper into tiny bits. Allow yourself to feel the joy of letting go. You can create your own words. Listen to your heart and trust yourself. Remember, say everything in the present tense because you want to release it NOW.

Enjoy and have a beautiful, safe life.

My e-mail -     tbboivin8@gmail.com           Would love to hear how it worked for you or your children.