26 - As Parents and Teachers We Need to Teach Our Kids To Tell Someone
25 - A Simple Technique to Reconnect to your Partner and Children - 'The Heart to Heart Hug'
24 - Are you Guilty of not Listening to that Little Voice in your Head or that Unique Feeling that Something is Wrong?
Slam! I woke up, recognizing
the scratchy sound of our sliding kitchen glass door. Damn! I thought. It’s Kyle sneaking in. I
glanced at the clock: it was 2am. Since his struggle with drugs, and a
breakdown, we had set a curfew for our 22-year-old son, and it wasn’t 2am. I
hopped out of bed and scampered down the wooden staircase. But the dark figure highlighted by the
half-moon wasn’t Kyle. To my surprise, it was our 17-year-old daughter,
“What are you doing outside
at this hour?” I whispered intensely, my heart pounding.
“I couldn’t go to sleep, so I
took a walk in the park,” she answered quietly. But her face was incongruous
with that peaceful statement. Her eyes were enormous. She was scared. In
a ping of a second, I wondered what she had to be afraid of. But that’s not all
I sensed. She had been with a male. I could feel it. I stared at her, my tongue
bolted to my bottom jaw. I didn’t know what to say and was sure if I said it, our voices would rise, waking up Alan and Kyle, so I decided to talk to her
about it the following day.
I noticed a grayish
rectangular plastic piece on the floor.
I picked it up and realized it was a sensor for the house alarm that
that fallen from the sliding glass door. It must have popped off when Nicole
had slammed the door. I reached down and
picked it up. “Don’t ever do that again. It could be dangerous. If you fell,
there would be no one out there to help you.”
A streak of stubbornness snuck into her voice,
a tone that I rarely heard. “No one is going to hurt me.” Her whole body straightened like an oak
“Nicole, there are mountain
lions that live in our hills,” my voice rose, but then I lowered it back to a
whisper. “They could attack you.”
She shot back, “I’ve never
heard of an attack up here.”
Well, I couldn’t argue about that one; she was
right. “Well, you could trip and fall.
Every week there’s a helicopter lifting someone to a hospital. No more night hikes.” I softened my voice; the button stuck on
fear. “Promise?”
A stiff nod followed, one that I wasn’t quite sure I believed.
“Let’s get to bed. We have
school tomorrow.”
Because my body was still stuck
in trauma mode due to Kyle’s idrinkinssues, her older brother, the promise to talk to Nicole the next day
evaporated like a muddy pool of water. Too much chaos in my brain. I should
have written down a reminder to talk to her.
I was surprised that I wasn’t angry with
Nicole for sneaking out, just scared that something horrible would happen while
she was in the state park at night. Girls have been sneaking out for centuries.
Yes, even I did it. I
was upset with myself about missing the opportunity to have a discussion with
her, which would have possibly opened doors that had been closed in our
relationship for about two years. This opportunity for discussion might have
even brought us into much-needed family therapy. But most of all, if I would have been
grounded, I would have been able to listen and follow through with all the
little hints I saw or felt or was told by that magic little voice inside my
head that something was very wrong.
To receive information, we need to be relaxed and be open. When you notice you can’t concentrate, or you
are overreacting to life or worried all the time, your body is clogged up. Also,
if you are drinking too much or using drugs, sometimes this will also block your
Tools to help you listen to that tiny voice, feeling or
1. I know this will sound a bit bizarre, but apologize to your body for not listening to the messages that it has been trying to send to you and promise you will be working on being a better listener. No need to feel guilty, as this is a negative emotion that also sets up blocks.
2. Breathe through your nose some nice slow deep breaths. Focus on your heart while doing this or a spot in the room – ( GREAT TO TEACH KIDS BEFORE THEY’RE ABOUT TO FREAK OUT.)
3. Walk outside. Focus on a tree, or a flower, or the sky and breathe deeply. Pick up a rock and look at the colors, feel its texture. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Do this a few times till you feel grounded.
4. If you want long-term effects on mental and emotional health, incorporate meditation into your life,
look at Blog # 7 - "How to Meditate."
23 - Anxiety and fear can take over your life.......

Ever feel like your head is about to explode?
People who suffer from Anxiety Attachment Disorder feel the tension and a sense of inability to deal with typical situations. Often times they will envision the worst possible outcome of a problem. This disorder will make a person overly concerned about work, family issues, or money so much that they will foresee disaster happening and make inappropriate adjustments to their lives in response to heavy symptoms of stress and anxiety disorders. If these symptoms persist for over 6 months and show no signs of ending, you need to call your doctor.
Menopause had thrown me for a loop, and even though I tried various alternatives: birth control pills, natural hormones, and finally, antidepressants, they helped little. (Surprised my doctor didn't suggest that I needed counseling.) I still had this uncontrolled energy of fear running through me, sometimes feeling like I had stuck my finger in an electrical socket. Constantly I broke down in tears.
I had various visions; one vision was of his car being wrapped around a light post with Kyle's body lying on the ground. Or when he went to Henry's house, I'd have these horrible dreams about them drinking themselves to drunkenness or trying drugs.
Then once Kyle began driving, my fear of losing him intensified and sadly spread to thinking I would lose Nicole, so I became overprotective of her. When Nicole started 6th grade, I would drop her off at someone's house and then envision guys coming over to the house or the girls going to the mall, meeting up with some older boys, and going over to their place advantage. Or I envisioned that she had disappeared. When she asked to stay over at someone's house, I think she could feel my heart chiseling inside my chest, trying to break through. I was constantly on edge and ungrounded. When she had difficulty in 7th grade, I was worried that she felt unloved and that we weren't giving her enough attention because Kyle stole so much of our energy, so I tried to give her more, which probably made her feel claustrophobic. Sadly, she stopped asking me to go to anyone's house. But every once in a while, I could hear the sliding glass door slide open, but too tired to check. I'm sure she felt my fear whenever she asked if she could go somewhere, and finally, she gave up.
EFT is a form of psychological acupressure
using the energy meridians acupuncturists use but without needles. Instead,
you tap with your fingertips on specific spots while thinking about your
issue (pain, trauma, drug use, etc. You then vocalize a positive statement, thus
clearing the blockage and restoring your body's balance, physically and
mentally. Before starting, you give your problem a number from 1-10, and then
after tapping the sequence, you again will give your situation a number. Usually,
you will find that a few EFT rounds are necessary to get the reaction scale
down to at least a 2.
https://www.emofree.com/eft-tutorial/tapping-basics/how-to-do-eft.html This site should answer many questions and have the whole process typed up.
22 - Talk to your kids about sex before they enter junior high......
Finally, I arrived at Henry’s house and parked right in front of his father’s little white bungalow off of Topanga Canyon and walked up the path carefully so as not to trip on the uneven pavement. A few low scraggly bushes were growing against the front of the house, and about a million dandelions speckled the sad lawn. I knocked and waited a few minutes, watching the numerous cars buzz by, then pounded on the door louder.
A blond teen with perfect long straight blond hair opened the door a sliver. “Good morning,” I said. She mirrored my greeting but still did not open the door. I thought that was strange.
“Nice morning, huh?” she dragged the question out. Slowly, she opened the door, and I stepped in, wondering why she was given the job to waylay me at the door. Another girl sat on the couch watching some unrecognizable movie. Oh, my God, was my ninth grader already sexually active? No way, I thought. Kyle’s so immature for his age. What’s that got to do with it, I realized. My heartbeat started revving up.
The place looked like a typical bachelor’s pad. The wadded-up socks and displaced tennis shoes must have been used for a soccer game because the numerous pairs were on opposite sides of the room. Dried tomato sauce and something that could have been the remains of a salad was stuck on the plates. My eyes zeroed in on the Coors cans still on the coffee table and floor. However, no Henry or Kyle is in the picture. Were they drinking last night?
Suddenly I hear, “Uh, Uh” and “Yeah, Yeah,” as if an explosion of orgasm was about to occur in Henry’s bedroom. The blood in my whole body turned to cement. Immediately, I snapped out of my frozen state and took a couple of long strides down the short hallway, yanking Henry’s bedroom door open without knocking.
Henry was shirtless, sitting propped up against the wall next to a bronze girl with eyes that had no pupils. The other girl had strawberry blond hair and green eyes. Henry’s arms were around both of their shoulders. All three had this look of surprise. The sheets and blankets were pulled up around the girls’ necks, covering their nudity.
Suddenly, Kyle popped up from under the sheets, and a paper-thin girl boinged up right beside him, laughing with her Colgate smile. “Hiya, mom! Gottcha.” Henry chirped (he always called me mom) while scratching his messed-up curly locks.
Kyle straightened his skinny body up to lean against the pillows that were behind him. My eyes bounced back and forth between the five young people sitting on the King-sized bed, laughing or giggling hysterically at me. I was freaking… Did they have a fivesome at their age?
Almost on cue, the girls dropped the sheet to show that they were fully clothed. Henry and Kyle were grinning like the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland. I replayed the scene in my head when I first walked in. Now I realized that Henry and the two girls had imitated the acting style common in silent movies, over-exaggerated.
That should have given me a hint. But I was stuck in what I was afraid had happened, S-E-X, a word Nicole, our daughter, had spelled out when we had taken the whole family to see the movie, Titanic. She was about five, and she leaned over and whispered in my ear as the two main characters entered the car, “Mom, you know they have, s-e-x in this movie.” She spelled the word out. I placed my hand over her eyes, wondering how does she know that.
Mom, it’s a joke.” Kyle smiled and pulled his hands from around the girl’s shoulders, and stood up with his jeans on. ”Hello, earth to mom. It’s a joke.”
Henry was cackling. “Tina, you should have seen your face!” He was so proud of their scheme. The rest of the clothed actors rose and exited the cracker box bedroom. I had been set up.
I didn’t smile. I didn’t say one solitary word. What was I so afraid of, Kyle experiencing sex way earlier than I did? Or was I afraid he was too immature to experience sex?
Once we got into the car, I again discussed my concern about no adult supervision. “Mom, nothing’s going to happen.”
“Kyle, I trust you, but I’m not so sure I trust the girls. You’re a good-looking teen; my female students drool over you. But my students also tell me shocking stories about what happens when their parents aren’t home. Drugs, sex, drinking. Listen, I’m not stupid. I know you’ll experience sex, but I’m asking you to wait a little while so you’re more mature. If you can’t, please promise me you’ll use condoms. You don’t want to be a teen with a baby, honest. I’ll even buy you a box. No questions. I promise.”
“You’re going to buy me a box of babies?” he laughed.
“You know what I meant.” I hit him playfully on the head, always the funny guy.
He gave me his infamous sideways smirk and said, “Mom, don’t worry, I have to get a girlfriend first, and that hasn’t happened yet.”
I laughed, “Ok, just want to let you know where I stand on that subject. Now, as for the beer, yeah, don’t think I didn’t notice the empty beer cans all around.”
“We didn’t drink those. Jerry’s friends were here last night.” (That's Henry's dad.)
Kyle seemed sincere, but I was still unsure. “Uh-huh,” I said.
“Honest, mom.” I continued to discuss how having a child at his age would change his life drastically. (A conversation we had already had when he was in 8th grade.) Of course, I told him that Alan and I would help out if it happened. I shared how one of my junior high students became a daddy in 7th grade even though he used a sandwich bag as a condom, but it broke. Kyle cracked up, not believing me, but yup, it was true. The kid swore and admitted his mistake in front of the whole class and told them he was too young to be a dad and that he wished he had waited. Even one of the counselors told me she had walked into the girl's bathroom to make sure kids weren't hiding in between classes and what did she find? Yup, right in the bathroom stall, two sixth graders. Talk to your kids about being responsible and about SEX and abstaining.
Now magazines, movies, and even T.V. shows are more open about sex, so it's time that parents wake up and realize that you need to have that conversation when your kids are in 5th grade. Discuss the alternatives and how one can say "No," without feeling bad. Practice how your child would decline a sexual approach. They need to learn to set boundaries early. They need to be aware of the consequences and how being a parent at such a young age will change their life. It's weird, but with all of Kyle's shenanigans, I don't even remember if I talked to our daughter, Nicole, about being responsible when having sex. You need to speak to all your children about being responsible when they're old enough and never think, Oh, my child wouldn't do that...
I never learned whose idea it was to freak me out. Kyle and his best friend, Henry, were notorious for pulling pranks on people.
21 - Take control - A Technique Useful for You and your Children to Not Only Forgive Yourself But Others
20 - Family Time Is Important to Schedule into your Life and if Possible, One To One Time
Almost everyone enjoys biking. |
We visited family twice a year and made tons of family trips to Hawaii, Europe, and national parks. Those were the happiest times. Alan and I's brains were sucked dry from work, and the kids were stressed out from school, so all of us were more relaxed during those vacations. We teased each other, joked around, and laughed a lot.