Your alarm buzzes and you turn over with a groan, open your eyes and slowly focus on the man lying next to you. You squint. “Who’s this guy in my bed?” you ask yourself. After blinking a couple of times, you realize it’s your husband. Yes, I’ve had this happen.
Sometimes we get preoccupied with work, kids and trying to survive that we don’t slow down to keep that flame burning with our partner. Often times we’re so tired at the end of the day that sex has become boring or nil. Date nights don’t do it, and that should be at least twice a month by the way. You’re only out for a couple of hours, and then you’re back to reality.
You need to go on a mini vacation just the two of you. Don’t feel guilty; it’s good for the kids also. Your trip doesn’t have to be to another state or country. It could be at a Best Western or a resort close by. It doesn’t matter, it’s the alone time that should get the both of you excited. (Don’t forget to pack that new negligee, perfume and maybe a candle or two.)
Lean on your family at least once or twice a year. If you don’t have family close by, ask friends that
have children also, to see if they’d be willing to exchange some time.

It's important to spend time together as a couple
1. You cannot talk about the children! Eh……..not one iota. This time is for you two. (Okay, okay, agree that you can talk about them for five minutes and that’s it. No talking about work, no T.V. on….If one of you breaks the rule, I bet you can think of some type of torture. Right?
2. Either bring food or go out to a restaurant. Again, it doesn’t matter if you go to Denny’s or Tony’s Steak House, it matters that you are spending quality time together.
3. If it’s only a couple of nights, no calling home. (Hard for women, we always want to make sure our children are surviving without us. THIS IS YOUR TIME TO PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR LOVELY HUSBAND OR WIFE.) If there’s a problem, you know that the babysitter will call you.
4. Have fun! Reminisce how you met. Remind each other what personality and physical traits you fell immediately in love with and maybe what took a little more time for you to fall in love with.
5. Sex is a very important part of a healthy relationship. It keeps you close, intimate and playful. Bring your laptop and rent a ‘R’ rated movie, or buy a book on healthy playful sex…try some new things. Remember what your partner likes. Talk to each other about your likes and dislikes under those sheets.
6. Stay in the present. Don’t worry about work or about the kids.
7. If you have the money it’s relaxing to stay at a hotel with a spa, Jacuzzi, a sauna, and a massage will majorly relax you.
Okay, now it'a time. Grab a camendar and book a date.
Okay, now it'a time. Grab a camendar and book a date.
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