74 A few changes in your life could make you feel healthier and happier

   “Don’t put the key to happiness in someone else’s pocket.”  Author unknown.   You know me, I love love,  love quotes.  Must be the English teacher in me.
   It’s human nature to think if we had certain things in our life, we’d be satisfied.  If my daughter would forgive and want a relationship with me, I’d be happy.  If I found the right girlfriend, life would be perfect. (Our son often times felt this way.)  Or if my parents would just listen to me, I’d do better in school. Or if I owned a  C7 Corvette Stingray/Z06/Grand Sport, I would have everything.
   However, we can’t rely on others to make us happy. We must rely on ourselves.  There are no magic incantations or potions to swallow either that is going to make us elated.  Owning that ‘one thing’ or having a certain amount of money or a boyfriend will still not make us content. No one can make us happy except ourselves.
   Do you want to be happy in your life now?  Are you listening? I mean NOW. Well, buckle your seatbelt because you might be doing a little swerving on this new road. Change is not always easy.

Everyone wants tobe happy the majority of the day
Everyone wants to be happy the majority of the day

      Spirituality. For some reason many place spirituality last on their list for happiness and yet I think it should be at the top.  No, you don’t have to find a perfect church, but I do recommend it if you have children you should find a place of worship. Why? Because the Sunday school will reinforce what you teach at home, schools do a little bit, but not as much as a church. Also, there’s a lot of church activities that gives you and your family a sense of community.  And as an adult, it’s nice to meet people who have similar beliefs. 
   If you’re not interested in going to church, find a few minutes every day to sit, close your eyes, take a few nice deep breaths and focus on your heart or your third eye.  Reconnect with God.  Notice what happens physically and mentally.   You’ll notice how calm you’ve become and happier.  (If you like this feeling, read Blog # 7 on how to meditate.  https://othersideofloss.blogspot.com/2017/12/7-do-you-know-how-meditation-helps-or.html
   Exercise is imperative for the body and the mind. Endorphins are released in the body when you exercise which triggers a positive mood. Whether you work out at the gym, play basketball or soccer, or you work out at home, you should exercise at least 4 days a week for at least half an hour, an hour is optimum.  If your goal is to lose fat, you should do at least two but no more than three high-intensity cardio sessions per week. The bodybuilder, Craig Capurso, believes that using more compound movements where you’re standing is essential if you want to lose weight. That means you’re not using the gym machines as often. If you are only training for muscle gain, once or, twice per week should be the limit. Since I want both, I split my hour and do both types of exercise.      
   Eating healthy meals three times a day nourishes the body and the mind. If you are too busy to cook all the time, buy yourself a crockpot. There are only two people in our house, and yet I prepare for six. That’s because I can then serve Alan and me one dinner and then freeze two containers of a meal. I place masking tape on the top and write what’s in it and the date and year.  Then when I have a busy or lazy day, I take the container out a day ahead of time and place it in the refrigerator, and heat it up on the stove the next day.  Rarely do I use the microwave as I believe it zaps the vitamins out of the food.  Then all I have to do is prepare a salad or some vegetables.
   Cut down on the sugar.  The more you eat, the more you crave. Sugar blocks the absorption of essential minerals, including calcium and magnesium. Scientific studies have proven that a deficiency in these two micronutrients leads to sugar cravings.  
   Deep sleep. If you usually have a difficult time turning that brain off, get off that computer a couple hours before you go to bed.  Sleeping at least 6 to 8 hours is essential for concentration, and so you don’t overact to situations.  A decent amount of sleep also reduces stress. What if you can’t turn your brain off?   Rarely do I have this problem since I started meditating.  Try concentrating on your breathing. If something pops into your mind, push it away.  Play meditation music or slow classical music at a low volume if you have difficulty falling asleep.
      Relationships.    It’s easy to get caught up with work and ourselves, but when you focus and give priority to your relationships, you switch the emphasis from yourself onto others. Once you do this, you’ll notice you’re more open to show your love thereby opening the doors to be loved even more.  When we slow ourselves down, we become more aware of ourselves and how we spend our time. This awareness makes us look at our life and work on balancing it.  This, of course, leads to a deeper sense of fulfillment, a happier, and healthier life.  
       Feeding your mind.   When you take fifteen minutes or more to read a good book, your vision of the world expands, your vocabulary increases and your ability to communicate improves.  You become more focused and more vibrant. Also, you feel more alive, and happier.
      Forgiving yourself and others.  Delving into the past doesn’t allow you to live in the present.  Forgive yourself or someone else for your/their mistakes is imperative to stay in the present. Don't beat yourself up. Ask yourself what you’ve learned from your mistakes.  And remember, human beings aren’t perfect, we make mistakes over and over again.  I’ve certainly had a shit load of experience in this area.    
       Pick a cause.  Donate your time to a cause. It doesn't have to be once a week, maybe it's twice a month you are helping out or every other week.
Here are some useful techniques which will help you stay in the present, cut ties from family members if you're worried about them too much, or if someone has passed away and you're still emotionally tied to him or her, etc.  

Check out on my blog: https://othersideofloss.blogspot.com/
   7  -  Meditation  - How to quiet the mind
   8  -   Forgiveness
  21 -  Techniques to release negative thoughts about yourself and others
  33 -   Cutting emotional ties to family or friends  (you’ll still love them but not be dragged down)
  36 –  Two quick techniques to return to the now
  51 –  Bounce out of depression or anxiety
  61 –  Stop playing the victim

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