A few notes from a fabulous Spiritual speaker and healer, Michael Simenson. Often times he gives free lectures but who knows what he's doing during these COVID times. He is also a very strong healer. His specialty is working with Autistic, Tourette, A.D.D., and A.D.H.D. kids. His site is: https://energeticallysensitivechild.com/
After taking a healing workshop with Michael for 2 days. I received permission from my school to invite him to talk to Canoga High students. I sent a note out to all the teachers and only a few replied. The students loved his belief that we are here on this planet to experience positive and negative things. He asked us, “If everything was easy, would our soul learn any life lessons?" A few were crying at the end of the lesson after he did a group healing.
He suggested that when you become upset to ask yourself:
a) Why am I upset?
b) What triggered my reaction?
c) What am I supposed to learn from this?
d) How am I going to learn this lesson?
When something negative happens to you, or someone or you make a negative judgment about yourself, instead of reacting, stop and say to yourself, “I take that anger or judgment and melt it into my love and light.” (In a teacher workshop quite a few years ago, the presenter taught us to say, “Cancel, cancel,” however I like Michael’s statement better.)
If you are mad at someone or yourself, say, "Paul, or self, thank you for introducing me to this conflict or fear. I now release my anger ( fear or judgment) to my higher self.” This negative emotion, if held onto, will change your aura. This energy around you (your aura) will start to darken because your life flow has been interrupted by your negative thoughts. If these negative thoughts continue, you will become ill physically or mentally.
Here's an exercise: Think of a recent incident where you were happy. Now hook your two pointing fingers and try to pull them apart. What happens? Now think of an issue where you've judged yourself or another, or think of a time when you became very angry. See and feel that anger. Now hook your fingers again while you are replaying this incident. What happens? Usually, because your energy is depleted, or weakened, your fingers will unhook. You've given your power away because of this negative thought.
Here's an exercise: Think of a recent incident where you were happy. Now hook your two pointing fingers and try to pull them apart. What happens? Now think of an issue where you've judged yourself or another, or think of a time when you became very angry. See and feel that anger. Now hook your fingers again while you are replaying this incident. What happens? Usually, because your energy is depleted, or weakened, your fingers will unhook. You've given your power away because of this negative thought.
Never embrace regret; it’s a negative thought also. You are not honoring your spirit that decided to experience that specific situation. Honor that you experienced it but then take that negative feeling that you have to your love and light. Release the need to understand everything. NEVER ignore your feelings or place them on a shelf... transmute the negative ones to your love and light.
When we were in our mother’s womb, we started learning to think negatively or experience fear or joy because we felt our mother's feelings and heard her tone of voice or other people’s voices talking or even yelling. The unborn child won't understand, but he/she picks up that fear or love or joy or hate or anger even though he or she can't put words to it. The child feels emotions and tones and volume. As an adult say, “As a child, I heard and felt an energy that I didn’t understand. I release this fear, anxiety and any other negative emotions that I had felt to my love and light.”
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A true loving being will not judge others or oneself. YOUR THOUGHTS AND WHAT YOU SAY ARE PART OF YOU…….stay in the white light.
1. If you have negative thoughts, say, "Cool. I've been given the gift to experience these negative thoughts, experiences, or illness, but now I melt them into my love and light.”
2. If someone is yelling or making negative comments - you hold the light- stay positive. They are the slaves to their fears and their emotions.

A healthy aura. You don't want grey around you and that's what happens when we think negatively.
Exercises to create new hardware in your brain: A few of my students cried when we repeated these lines after Michael had said them.
1. Hands out, palms facing self. "I am white light, I love myself, I am awesome, I am amazing, I'm a walking talking love machine, I'm creative, I'm loved by my family, I love myself, I'm smart, I'm creative, I'm a walking talking love machine."(PLACE HANDS OVER YOUR HEAD -repeat this affirmation a couple times)
2. “I'm never alone, I'm source manifest, I release the concept that I don't know, I have all knowledge within me, I'm all knowing...I'm love...I'm light.” (Repeat a couple times.)
3. "I'm responsible for my life. I create my reality with my own power." (Repeat a few times.)
I volunteered during my conference period and worked with Special Ed. Classes that had kids with extreme special needs: A.D.D., A.D.H.D., Tourette, Autism. I taught them meditation first so they could go to that quiet place when they needed to and then later I taught them all the exercises above in two sessions. The teachers could not believe how much the kids changed. They were able to focus more, retain material and their grades raised. And the students were much happier.
I volunteered during my conference period and worked with Special Ed. Classes that had kids with extreme special needs: A.D.D., A.D.H.D., Tourette, Autism. I taught them meditation first so they could go to that quiet place when they needed to and then later I taught them all the exercises above in two sessions. The teachers could not believe how much the kids changed. They were able to focus more, retain material and their grades raised. And the students were much happier.
WE NEED TO STOP TRYING TO FIX EACH OTHER, JUST TAKE CARE OF YOUR SELF. Of course, that doesn’t mean you aren’t there to help and guide others, but the individual has to do their own work.
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