Life is too short to be stuck in the negative zone. Did you know that negative thinking and fear change our aura, the
energy field around us? This makes us susceptible to depression, the inability to
focus, colds, flu, and many severe illnesses. Our positive thoughts, the healthy food we consume, and the
environment we live in helps us stay healthy. If we continually project fear of getting sick or we worry about others or about how we're going to pay the rent, we are decreasing this protective
shield around us. Trusting that everything is going to be okay is often a hard concept.

What is an aura?
An aura is an electromagnetic energy field surrounding people, animals, and things. A few people can feel anxious, happy, or in the wrong place. This is because they pick up the energy from the individual's aura. Remember that your aura is an extension of you. When healthy, it acts as a protective shield. It can leave you drained and open to illnesses when fragile or damaged. Sometimes I have to move away from an individual because the person's energy is dark, making me want to vomit. If I can't move to another area, there are techniques that I use to protect myself.
An aura is an electromagnetic energy field surrounding people, animals, and things. A few people can feel anxious, happy, or in the wrong place. This is because they pick up the energy from the individual's aura. Remember that your aura is an extension of you. When healthy, it acts as a protective shield. It can leave you drained and open to illnesses when fragile or damaged. Sometimes I have to move away from an individual because the person's energy is dark, making me want to vomit. If I can't move to another area, there are techniques that I use to protect myself.
A test you can do with a family member or a friend:
Rub your hands together for a few seconds, then face your palms to each other about five inches apart. You might feel a slight buzzing; this is good. Now see if you can feel that bubble around your child or partner's aura which is about arms' length from their body. Now gently push on that bubble. Do you think it? It almost feels like a balloon. Go ahead, feel this aura all around the individual. If your hand pops through an area or feels gushy, that means there's a hole in the aura. This is caused by many things:
our environment, what we eat, any internal/mental illness, negative thinking, fear,
and the list goes on. That is a concern because these holes permit negative energy to seep in.
Or you might find that this field is strong and healthy like Jello, bouncy,
but firm. That is what we want.
A test you can do all
by yourself:
Think a positive thought, and feel that happiness while you're pointing fingers and thumb, are hooked together, looking almost like a figure eight. Then
try to pull them apart while you are thinking positive
thoughts. This is called Muscle Testing, which tests the body's sensitivity to allergens. Was it hard or easy?
Now think about the Coronavirus, your fear of what could happen…. - Hook fingers
together and pull. What happens? The fingers should have easily torn apart. Okay, now say, "I take that fear and take it to my love and
light." Feel this truth. Now hook your fingers together and think about the Coronavirus or something negative. What
happens this time? You shouldn't have been able to pull your fingers apart. This simple technique will help cancel many different types of fears.
Here's a prayer about COVID, but you can make it about anything.
Remember to keep the prayer in the present if you ask for anything, "I respect the COVID Virus. These difficult times are teaching me how to reconnect with family and friends. It's teaching me to slow down and see what's truly important in my life. It's making me realize how beautiful life is. It's teaching me compassion." You can add your own comments.
Remember to keep the prayer in the present if you ask for anything, "I respect the COVID Virus. These difficult times are teaching me how to reconnect with family and friends. It's teaching me to slow down and see what's truly important in my life. It's making me realize how beautiful life is. It's teaching me compassion." You can add your own comments.
Remember, fear, worry, hate, and judgment weaken your immune system over time.
Let's do some work on our aura to clean it up.
If you haven't forgiven yourself or someone for something that you or they did wrong, the time is now. Push pride
aside and ask for forgiveness. Don't give any excuses/reasons for why you said or
did what you did to that individual. Just apologize. Remember, we are humans and are here on this planet to learn lessons. A suggested helpful blog to read - BLOG 100 - Releasing Negative thoughts about Ourself and Others is Imperative for Your Health
100 Releasing Negative Thoughts about Our Self and Others is Imperative fo
Ways to protect yourself from negative energy:
Ways to release negative energy: Say a prayer if you want to be protected from negative energy. Mine is something like this: "Dear Father, Mother (I also sometimes ask angels or a couple of saints to
help). Please protect me today from all negative energy." Then, I see beautiful white/golden starry light shooting down from the sky, surrounding me like a shield. (You might see another color, accept that color.) This technique should be used every day, and then in the evening, I swoosh away the garbage from my body. And place a new shield around you. My problem is I forget to do this every day (This doesn't mean I'm not wearing masks or using hand sanitizer during this COVID problem, nor does it mean I'm having parties at my house.) But at
least I'm feeling like I'm wearing some armor when I do go out.
I've been doing this for years because I have always pulled in people's negative energy, which made me exhausted, unfocused, or grumpy. (A lot of children are Indigo Children. They are susceptible and easily upset because their bodies are trying to heal everyone. This is useful for them.)
Ways to
strengthen your aura:
- Meditate – it calms the mind, therefore calming the body
- Meditate – it calms the mind, therefore calming the body
- Be out in nature,
even if it's your backyard or on your balcony
- Use sea salts for
bathing or dip your feet in water every day
- Stay away from electromagnetic fields as much as possible. (Turn off wi-fi in the house for a few hours) This will lower energy in the home which tends to make us nervous and unfocused
- Stay away from electromagnetic fields as much as possible. (Turn off wi-fi in the house for a few hours) This will lower energy in the home which tends to make us nervous and unfocused
Stay positive
Remind yourself and your children about the positive things you are thankful for.
Remind yourself and your children about the positive things you are thankful for.
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