106 - A Funny Memory of An Incident Which Occurred When my Son was in Elementary School

105 - Difficult to let my Son go so he could Cross Over to the Other Side, Heaven
Trusting and letting go was hard to do... |
hands-letting-go | patrickjegan
But I don't want to… I want to make sure you're not going to grieve anymore, Kyle quietly said. I could hear the confusion in his voice. Maybe like me, he was afraid that he couldn't talk to me once his spirit totally passed to the other side. I started the car and drove down the windy road as I reminded him that I was grieving less and less each month. After of few seconds of silence, he said, I'm happy that your relationship with dad has become stronger. There was another pause. I have to go soon.
My heart skipped a couple of beats as I wasn't sure what that meant. Maybe the dolphins were calling Kyle…. (another healing I had done with this Shaman). Or was he going to disappear, and I'd never been able to talk to him again? I expelled the air I had kidnapped. We'll do our ceremony on Sunday. Okay? It's time for both of us to totally let go.
Yea, okay," he said. I love dad too. I now understand why he was tough on me. He was trying to guide me to make the right decisions and consider the consequences. Also, Dad was so worried about me. I can really feel and understand that now. I wish I could have understood it then. Again his emotions were so strong as if he really did, for the first time, comprehend what his father must have felt raising him. I wondered how he could understand his father's fear now.
I wish you could
also have, but I sadly stated that maybe you weren't supposed to learn that yet. I'll tell your dad what you said, Okay?
Thanks. Remember, I'm still here for you,
just like all your other relatives who you're now talking to you.
Unconsciously, I realized I was holding on
to a part of him in fear of losing communication with him. It took me about a week until I felt strong enough to tell him it was okay for his spirit to go to the other side. I
decided the ceremony would occur on June 12th, the day before our daughter's birthday in June.
I walked into Topanga State Park and said out loud, "I totally release you, Kyle Boivin, to the heavens where you belong." Yes, I cried a little bit, and my voice shook. I was still petrified that we wouldn't communicate once he passed to the other side. But I knew I had to let him go because I didn't want to be responsible for holding him back in his spiritual development.
I love you so much, mom. For the first
time, I could actually feel the emotion in his voice; he was almost in tears.
During his drug days, he would often say that line, and it sounded empty
and felt as if Kyle was saying it to make me think that he was alright or saying
it because he felt guilty he was still using.
"I know. I love you too," I whispered.
Yea, I said as I headed home.
I love dad too. I now know why he was
tough on me. He was trying to guide me to make the right decisions and think
of the consequences. He was so scared of me. I can really feel and understand
that now. I wish I could have understood it then. Again his emotions were so
strong as if he really did, for the first time, comprehend what his father must
have felt raising him. I wondered why he could understand his father's fear
I wish you could have understood your dad's
fears also, but maybe you weren't supposed to learn that yet, I sadly stated. I'll tell him what you said, Okay?
Thanks. Remember, I'm still here for you,
just like all your other relatives who you're now talking to you. You won't
I won't ever forget, ever.
I learned that our son is always with me when I need to talk to him. But I also remembered as the years marched on, we had less and less to talk about because our lives were very different. Yes, he still gives me an occasional lecture, or I feel his energy pop in, or he says one word to warn me about something, but it's not like it used to be the first seven years after losing him, and that's okay.
104 Depression, Feeling Lost or Unfocused could be due to a Miscarriage or an Abortion, or even Picking up A Family Member's Moods... Technique to Release Stuck Energy

"In what way do you feel stuck?" she asked in her beautiful Irish accent.
"I'm confused about the order of the stories, and I can't decide which ones to include."
She pursed her lips and asked if I had ever lost a child. And I nodded yes. She said, "Your body still has not fully released the sadness of losing a child. Tina, is there another child you lost?"

A technique to honor and release the loss of a fetus or embryo (husband should do also)
1. acknowledged that I had four children, not just two living ones
2. light a candle for 21 days, with my husband if possible
3. give a name to the embryo(s) Alan and I agreed upon Michael and Juliette)
4. thank the embryo for coming in (Do this technique separately if you lost a couple fetuses
5. apologize for not being ready to have children or frightened of having twins
6. thank the embryo for selecting you to come in, even though it wasn't for very long
7. I shared things about our family, the good and the bad
The first few times I did this, I cried like a baby. I was surprised that it seemed like energy was released from my body. Even Alan was a little choked-up. He only did the release with me for a few days, but that was okay because my body needed to let go of the memory.
103 Sure Enough, There was a Hand in The Photo Waving, Hi
My son, Kyle, waving, "Hi" to me after he died.

102 Teenagers Can Be Compassionate
What is compassion? It is when an individual selflessly makes an effort to help someone deal with
101 Sometimes A Loved One Will keep Bugging you until you Acknowledge their Message
When word got around the high school that I spoke to my son, who had passed away from a heroin overdose, a few unfamiliar students came in during lunch or before school to talk to me about their experiences with loved ones who spoke to them from heaven.
Pedro, one of my students, walked into my classroom after school and introduced his friend. He pushed Jose towards me. "Go ahead, don't be afraid to tell her."
I gave him my condolences, and he thanked me.
Pedro elbowed him. "Tell her the rest."
He stuttered. "He keeps waking me up at night."
Jose kept shifting his weight from one leg to the other. "To not join the gang. To stay clean."
He swallowed, fighting back his tears.
"What do you think he's telling you that?"
Jose nodded.
"Listen to him. Maybe he has some interesting stories about being in a gang that will influence you even more about why you shouldn't join."
Blog 14 - Powerful tool to use after someone has died
Blog 43 Cutting ties with someone you love. Imperative to your health.
100 Releasing Negative Thoughts about Our Self and Others is Imperative for our Health
Here's an exercise: Think of a recent incident where you were happy. Now hook your two pointing fingers and try to pull them apart. What happens? Now think of an issue where you've judged yourself or another, or think of a time when you became very angry. See and feel that anger. Now hook your fingers again while you are replaying this incident. What happens? Usually, because your energy is depleted, or weakened, your fingers will unhook. You've given your power away because of this negative thought.
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I volunteered during my conference period and worked with Special Ed. Classes that had kids with extreme special needs: A.D.D., A.D.H.D., Tourette, Autism. I taught them meditation first so they could go to that quiet place when they needed to and then later I taught them all the exercises above in two sessions. The teachers could not believe how much the kids changed. They were able to focus more, retain material and their grades raised. And the students were much happier.
99 A Funny Experience About Me Accepting my Second Animal Guide
I had learned to journey to find my first animal guide, a wolf, and assumed that one animal guide would be it. But I guess another guide decided I needed to work with him also. This time, I was introduced to my new animal guide in some very unusual ways.
That same week I walked into our Topanga Homegrown Store, and right on the display table sat a fountain about two feet high. And what do you think was perched on the edge of it? Yup, a Raven. I thought, no way. This has to be a Black Bird. Still, I couldn't accept that a gross Raven wanted to be my Animal Guide. And again, I wondered why I was being harassed by Ravens lately. I tried to pick the fountain up, but I couldn't because it was too heavy, so a curly-headed saleswoman asked if she could help me. I told her I needed to find out what type of bird it was. She said, "I think it's a Raven, but let's make sure." with great difficulty, she picked the fountain up, and I looked under the base. Sure enough, the little label read, ''aven.'' I thanked her.
Blackbird (left)...Raven (right)
Later, in a shamanic journey, I asked its name. His name is Bitza. I looked up how a Raven is supposed to help me and wasn't surprised why he was one of my Guides.
Be open to any animal that might introduce itself within a three or four-week period. It could be a spider, a worm, or an elephant. If you don't accept it, it will give up. Be observant because you might see the animal in a book, a poster, a dream, a cloud, etc.;
Then once you find one, get online and see how to journey, start reading about your spirit animal, welcome them into your life. Ask their name. Tell your spirit animal that you are open to working with them. You will be surprised at how much they can help you.
Check out Blog 98 - How I journeyed to find my first animal guide
How to meet your spirit guide and work with him/her: