115 - My Dead Son Warned Me But I Didn't Listen

         For a couple hours, I worked on my memoir, then packed up my writing material, and my computer. Lastly, I gathered my French books and stuffed them into my bookbag. (Now retired, I don’t want to lose the language, plus I want to keep my brain active.)  Probably due to the fact that I had a glass of wine, sugar, my enemy, I felt kind of spacey that morning.  Suddenly I felt Kyle's presence which rarely happens now that he has been up in heaven these last 11 years.  I thought, Hey, how come I can't always get in contact with you? 

     Be careful, he said, in a somewhat commanding voice, totally ignoring my question.

     "And what am I supposed to be careful about?"

     He responded in a calm voice,  Just be careful. Then, pop! Gone. I guess he was busy; usually, we have a few seconds of conversation. But I had learned a while ago that it's difficult to carry on a long conversation with someone who has passed away because you don't have much in common anymore and talking about the past gets a bit old.

     Okay, I thought, I'll be careful, confused about what I'm supposed to watch out for. 

     After packing the car, it was time to wake up Alan, and then we’d be on our way up north to our other house.  I was at the wheel of his Ford Escape, on Grapevine Hwy., with two dogs in the back in their kennel,   I had passed a couple cars; okay, it was more than a couple while ascending the steep hill and decided to slow down once I reached the peak.  I turned on my signal, and as I was pulling safely into the next lane and released the accelerator, I glanced at my speedometer, knowing I should slow down even more. And then I saw him,  a cop car parked at the top of one of the side roads built for trucks that have problems with their brakes. He had something in his hand that he was looking at.  “He got me,” I said.  Immediately, he hopped into his car. 

     Alan gave me a strange look, not understanding because he was on his cell with a client trying to maintain his cool, so I didn’t repeat my comment because, unlike me, I can do two things at once, usually.

   "The black box must be a radar machine." The cop car's light was on but no siren, possibly because he saw me already heading over to the right. I wasn't upset; I was guilty. It took me a while to pull over to the shoulder as there was a sea of cars that day.  At last, I safely pulled over, and Alan gave me a, what's up to look, so I explained again, "Cop, I was speeding." He nodded.

  Yup! He Got me.

     I rolled down the window, and I said through a sheepish grin," You got me!"  I knew I was guilty.

     His boyish hardened face, melted and he laughed, surprised at my admission.  He chuckled slightly, and gave me a crooked grin. “You were going 92. May I see your registration and driver’s license?”

   “Are you sure? When I looked at the speedometer, it read 85.”  Honest, I wasn’t lying. That’s what I had read. Then I wondered if he got me coming up the peak of the hill. I had no idea how fast I was speeding up the hill, but I must admit I had felt like a wild horse leading her pack. 

     He handed me the ticket and said, “I lowered it to 85,” and gave me this big grin. “You can either go to traffic school if you haven’t had an infraction for the last 18 months. I couldn’t find one, so I guess you’re clear.  Or you don’t have to since you haven’t had one for  a while.”

         “I don’t think I’ve had one for about 15 years,” I said as I accepted the ticket. I asked him how I could sign up for a class, and he wrote down the info on my ticket, explaining that I’ll also get info in the mail.  “I think I’ll take the traffic school.”

        “Then the points will be expunged,“ he informed.

        “Thanks,” I said, waving the ticket.”  He gave me a quizzical look. “For at least lowering the speed,” I chuckled.

         He nodded, now understanding, and grinned. “You’re welcome. Have a good day.”

         Alan returned to the car and suggested I follow through on taking the class, and I agreed.  “That ticket is going to cost at least $200. What a waste of money.” I folded the ticket and placed it inside my purse.

       Sowly, I gained speed as the cop followed behind me, probably trying to create a safety buffer, so cars will slow down as I'm trying to get into the slow lane.  

     Only later, after driving for another half an hour, then pulling over to fill up with gas and some pretty dang good roadside tacos, did it hit me. "Oh, shit, that's what he meant."

      Alan looked at me, confused. "What are you talking about?"

      I shared that Kyle had popped in for a split second that morning and said, “Be careful.” He didn’t explain; he just repeated the warning and then split.  Alan ignored my comment and took another bite of his taco, obviously not believing someone from the other side can still talk to a living individual after so many years of being dead.

     Once we returned to the car and I began driving again, I apologized to Kyle for not listening.

     It's okay, mom, his smooth voice replied.   

     I behaved the rest of the trip, but I must admit it was difficult.

114 - A Prayer Known to rid Mental Illness, Reconcile Family Estrangement and Help Those who are Dealing With Weight Issues, Alcoholism or Drug Abuse



I stumbled across the Ho’oponopono Hawaiian  Healing Prayer in mid-January of 2021when I was perplexed about what to write about in my next Blog. I was so touched by what I had learned and the many people who had healed from saying it or healed family issues that I started researching this magic prayer. The more I read, the more I realized that not only would this technique make a perfect blog entry, but it is a practice that I had to work into my daily life. Maybe, just maybe, it could change my vibrations, thereby healing the parts of me that created a daughter that refuses to have a relationship with me even after 12 years. Could this simple exercise be the tool to change not only my vibrations, my husband’s, our daughter’s, but help the world?  I’m willing to try almost anything.

     For centuries, the Hawaiian Prayer has been performed on islands throughout the South Pacific, including Hawaii, Samoa, Tahiti, and New Zealand.  Originally it was only practiced in the family unit. Since the extended family usually lived together centuries ago, it was believed that if a family member became mentally or physically ill, someone in the family was thinking negatively: afraid, angry, or either judging themself or others in the family unit.

      Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, a kahuna lapaʻau (healer) in Hawaiʻi, modified the traditional Hawaiian Prayer in 1976. She was influenced by her Christian education and her philosophical studies about India, China, and Edgar Cayce. She taught this updated version of Hoʻoponopono throughout the United States, Asia, and Europe. This new type of prayer gives everyone a chance to take responsibility for healing their past lives, therefore, ultimately healing their present life.  The Hawaiian Prayer is a practice that involves healing all things by accepting "Total Responsibility" for everything that surrounds us.  Later, and from who knows where, a simpler version has popped up, seeming more like a mantra than a prayer, but I found it extremely powerful after practicing it.  Don’t be surprised if tears start rolling down your cheeks. When I practiced Simeona’s version, I felt a deep stirring in my body as if there was some kind of movement. That was very interesting.  I’m continuing to work with both versions as I've noticed a major change not only in myself but my husband. He’s happier, and his reactions are almost nil.

      This technique changes our cellular memory to purge the negative qualities that are not useful in our lives, such as anger, jealousy, judgment, resentment, etc.  Just think, wouldn’t it be a blessing not to return in another life having to deal with these negative aspects in our lives, or pass these characteristics onto our children?  Even if you don't believe in past lives, I guarantee it will help not only you but your family.

       Dr. Hew Len, a psychologist and an expert in the spiritual practice, Ho’opononopono, was asked to accept a position at the State Mental Hospital in the criminally insane ward in Hawaii. Many who worked there were irritable, afraid of being attacked, often called in sick, or quit.  Dr. Len read the 23 files and practiced the Ho'oponopono process created by Morrnah Simeona at least twice a day while focusing on these files. 

        In three years, the patients who had been shackled were allowed to walk freely; others who’d been heavily medicated were able to have their medications reduced; and those who were diagnosed as having absolutely no chance of ever being released due to their aggressive behavior were freed or sent to a traditional prison, depending on their criminal status. Ultimately, 21 checked out of the hospital and were allowed to go home. However, two patients did not improve. 

         Why weren’t these two healed? Dr. Len explained that these two patients had no karmic connections with him.  It’s believed that this special prayer heals karmic issues that one has had in past lives with other individuals.  

       People asked Dr. Lin what he had done to make such a huge change.  His reply, “I cleaned the part of me that I shared with them which healed the part that created them.” This Prayer energetically cleared the layers of toxic energies within his subconscious. By clearing his harmful energy, energetically, he also cleaned the negative energies of his patients.

      There was even a major change at the hospital; workers stopped calling in sick and quitting. The attitude at the facility had become positive.

     Dr. Lin believes that everything in our life is our responsibility. In other words, we create what’s going on in our family and in the world because of our negative thinking or comments.  Loving yourself is the ultimate way to improve yourself, but as you improve yourself, you change your vibrations, thereby changing the world. To heal your reality, we must erase the memories that gave life to our negative thoughts, which created our world. These memories could occur while in your mother’s womb, preconception, childhood, or adulthood. Yes, even strange as it seems, many of us have inherited negative attributes from previous lives.

     The prayer that I first stumbled upon was a simple prayer, one I could easily remember. Numerous comments posted on various sites share how this technique has healed various problems: disconnect in families, judgments, eating disorders, drug abuse, emotional issues,  alcohol abuse, mental illness, and the list goes on. Just think, if we can forgive ourselves and others, how much our world will change.

     The first time I used the short version, I cried like a baby and was sensitive for two days. But it felt like a load of weight had been lifted from my shoulders regarding all the mistakes I had made, fears I held onto as a parent, and the plethora of judgments about myself and my husband.  My second experience occurred a week later. I had finished grocery shopping and was heading home when I decided to say this simple prayer. But this time, I added my estranged daughter’s name to it and repeated it a few times, some lines even out of order.  I saw us holding hands, sometimes our arms locked. Tears welled up in my eyes when I did this visualization. My vision was so blurry that I had to pull over to the side of the road, where I continued to bawl my eyes out. This time I felt like my heart had opened to loving myself. I felt lighter and, for some odd reason, hopeful. Very strange, I thought.  Another time my husband walked into the kitchen and said, “ Tina, you’re always leaving messes around the house.”  Usually, I argue about that adverb, always, but this time I stopped preparing dinner, looked at him, and said, “I love you, please forgive me.” That was it; I didn’t even say the whole prayer.  His expression instantly melted into a face of love, and he walked over and gave me this huge squeeze. I thought, wow, is this all I need to say when Alan starts getting worked up? I’ll have to remember this.

       Guidelines when saying the short version of the Hawaiian Prayer, which seems to be the most common one shared online and on u-tube (some of the songs will kick up a few tears):

 1.       The prayer can be said out of order.

 2.   No need to focus on any one emotion or incident unless you want.

        3.   If an incident comes up, focus on that while saying the prayer. 

        4.   Trust your intuition. If it tells you to add a name, or a line, or repeat a line, do it.

        5.   Repeat prayer for five minutes each day if possible. (Sometimes I skip a few days, but then                      say  it for half an hour.)

        6.   Say or think the prayer with passion and feeling.

        7.   If the person you are having issues with can sit in the same room with you for five to              fifteen minutes that would be helpful. (This is what was practiced in the old days when family                problems were worked out.)

        8.   Honor whatever issues come up and continue saying the prayer.  Address that part of yourself    that caused the problem in the relationship and send it love. It’s okay to feel the sadness that                    exists but send unconditional love towards that negative energy.

            The Hawaiian Prayer Meditation, for cleansing. (Short version)

                                            I’m sorry

                                      Please forgive me

                                           I love you

                                           Thank you


      After much research, I finally found the Prayer created by Morrnah Simeona, which was revised from the traditional Hawaiin prayer.  I’ve just begun using it, and I’m telling you, it’s potent.

 Divine Creator, Father, Mother, Son as one …

If I, my family, relatives, and ancestors, have offended you, your family, relatives, and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask your forgiveness … Let this cleanse, purify, release, cut all the negative memories, blocks, energies, and vibrations, and transmute these unwanted energies into pure Light.

 … And it is done.


    I would love to hear about your experiences with either of these prayers, as I’m curious how they’ve helped you. Or if you have a question, I’d enjoy hearing from you: My e-mail – tbboivin8@gmail.com    



