96 Taking Care of Yourself is Important to be Happy and Healthy

Image result for you can't pour from an empty cupYou are important

                   “You cannot pour from an empty cup, you must fill your cup first.”

    When we work too many hours for long periods and don’t take care of ourselves, we will become exhausted and stressed. Our brain doesn't function well under these conditions; therefore, we become disorganized and emotionally drained. And often, we’ll react to what someone has said by saying something inappropriate or by yelling. Of course, a small dose of stress helps us with creativity or a meeting deadline, but over long periods it’s detrimental to our health. Also, working too many hours can lead to anxiety, depression, insomnia, and a plethora of other health problems.
    Balancing work and play is essential. (If you feel uncomfortable about going out due to this CRAZY Pandemic you can play games on line and make friends.  Go hiking, play goofy golf or go walking at a park or at the beach. With your favorite masks on, go out to dinner or a movie.  I feel very safe.  Yes, I know the broken toilet is screaming to be repaired, but you’re important too. Living a healthy life makes you balanced. Slow down. Have a cup of tea. Watch your kids play, enjoy a hot bath with your partner.  Learn a language or go take yoga or Qi-Gong class. There are tons of free exercises on the internet if you don’t have time to jump into a car to go somewhere.


Self-care at work helps you stay focused and motivated
1.  Call a loved one during your break.
2. Take a small break in the morning & afternoon (coffee/tea break or take a ten-minute
3. Take a lunch or find a quiet place to meditate
4. Set boundaries (oftentimes bosses will ask or demand that you work during lunch) 
    Practice the word- “No…”
5. If you start reacting to what someone has said, take  3 or 4 nice deep breaths focusing on
    your heart or stomach, it will get you back into your body (Or say a prayer)
6. Stop overthinking

Home care
1. Exercise – boosts energy, improves focus and mood, helps combat mental and 
    physical health conditions
2. Eat healthy – more vegetables, less red meat (Eat three times a day. If you munch in 
    between meals because you’re hungry or you can’t focus, make it healthy
3. Sleep 7-8 hours
4. Take up meditation, Qi-Gong or yoga (Meditation- Blog #7)
5. Laugh at least at two times a day   
6. Take a long hot bath in Epson salt, it will help you relax, relieve stress, stabilize your mood,
     decrease anxiety and depression. 
7.  Read a good book, that always relaxes me
8.  Get your butt out in nature
9.  Take up knitting or crochet. Yes, even football, baseball, and basketball guys do it.

    Work and home life keep us busy.  Call a family member or friend and go out. If you’re single, especially, get your butt out of the office and apartment and take a class at a nearby college or gym or yoga studio. Or check out a Meetup, volunteer, or find a church. One of the biggest problems in our society right now is loneliness, which leads to depression and suicide. Remember, your friend is not your computer or your phone.

 BLOG 74  - Some more great ideas about working on being HAPPY... HAPPY........   https://othersideofloss.blogspot.com/2018/09/74-few-changes-in-your-life-could-make

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