70 - How to work with Angels or Ascended Masters to help with difficulties you have in your life

   I never heard of Spirit Guides until I started taking a Reiki class which is a natural healing technique that originated in Japan. We were taught that before we began healing someone or if we needed support with an issue, we could ask for guidance and support. 
   Peace of mind is the most important factor to have for a successful connection. To find my angel, I meditated a few minutes, and once in a relaxed state, I asked who my angel was. Instantly, the name Michael came through. I felt that he had been with me for a long time, possibly since birth.  (Read Blog #  7 -  How to Meditate)   Or say a prayer. “ I invite my Guardian Angels to connect with me, to help, guide, and assist me in my life. I require your assistance to ease my mind, and I seek your love and light so that my life may be lit with positive vibrational frequencies. Dear Guardian Angel, I seek help again as I don't know how to help my brother. Please guide me with your loving light.  Thank you for always being available to help me .” Once you say a prayer, you will feel as if your room is filled with light. Sometimes you will feel light spreading from your heart to the rest of your body. Other times I feel beautiful, peaceful energy in the room.
   Sometimes you might only hear the name of the angel or see a vision of your angel, or both might happen. Remember, everyone’s image of that specific angel is different. You might not see anything.  You might hear a name of an angel that you don’t recognize. Reminder, there are angels from other parts of the world. They are all strong and extremely helpful. If a name doesn’t come to mind, ask.      Next, ask your angel for help with an issue. Remember to be observant so that you will be aware if a message comes through. It might be in a dream, or you might notice that a sentence is repeated by a few people.  
   A reminder, you may not want to hear what your angel has to say (my experience with that – blog # 66), but you need to honor the message because if you continue to not listen, your angel will fade into the background until you ask for him or her to come back. Apologize and start honoring your angel’s suggestions if you want a relationship and be able to work with him or her.  

 The Complete Encyclopedia of Angels: A Guide to 200 Celestial Beings to Help, H
                I love this book! By Susan Gregg

    You will find that other assistants might come into help in difficult situations. Often times I work with Jesus, Quan Yin and Mother Teresa, and John the Baptist. Many times two or three will come in while I’m working on someone and sometimes there’s only one angel, a relative that has passed to the other side (if I'm working on one of my family members)  and an Ascended Master.
     What is an Ascended Master? They are individuals on earth who have learned their karmic lessons and have decided to remain on Earth as Ascended Masters to help the rest of humanity. Some Ascended Masters are Jesus, Sanat Kumara, Gautama Buddha, Maitreya, Confucius, Mary (mother of Jesus), Lady Master Nada, Enoch, Kwan Yin, Saint Germain, and Kuthumi, to name but a few.
   When you make a prayer to your Guardian Angel or Ascended Master it will always be heard but, it won’t always be answered. To make sure that your prayer is answered, you need to have a good intention and a pure heart. If you make a prayer with the intention of harming or hurting someone, you will never receive any sort of help from a Guardian Angel or an Ascended Master. The Guardian Angel will give you signs of his presence around you. You might hear high pitched frequencies in your ear, or you might see the recurrence of specific numbers in front of you, or you could come across coins from time to time. These are all signs that the Guardian Angel /Ascended Master might use to get your attention, so you know that he is there to help you during your time of need. Always ask for an explanation if you don't understand a message.

Free angel readings:  long reading      https://www.guardian-angel-reading.com
Finding your birth angel:   https://www.ucm.ca/en/info/find-your-birth-angels?gclid=CjwKCAjwtIXbBRBhEiwAWV-5nlNGtSFcbStrtmmjzjKy2gt-eEPuIMKBheeju3EXYUXPkGdOuxKiLBoCt9gQAvD_BwE

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